My Fuel Tax 4.0 available for Download

Fuel Tax & NY HUT
version 2.1
The New York Highway Use Tax can be reported in a variety of ways. This first version or our NY HUT reporting software creates reports using table 4 and table 5 of the HUT. If you require other tables to be included as well, please contact us at 603-206-9977, or send E-mail to and we will consider adding the extra tables and functionality needed.

The HUT program can only be used in conjunction with the Fuel Tax Program. It utilizes the data sets generated by the Fuel Tax Program to fill in the HUT form. This way it saves you a lot of time because you only have to enter the trip data once.


  This icon activates the Spinnaker Highway Use Tax Program.

  The Run HUT Reports button activates the ‘Edit Highway Use Tax Settings Form’.

  The Edit HUT Rates button activates the ‘Update HUT Rates Form’.

 This icon activates the Spinnaker HUT help file.

 This icon unloads the Spinnaker HUT program from memory.  (back to top)

Edit HUT Settings

When you select a Company name from the list, all trucks associated with that company will be listed in the list box with Truck/Permit #, the 'Generate HUT Report for:' button will display the current company name and will be enabled. If on inspection all permit profiles are OK, you can print the HUT report by clicking on this button.

If you want to add/edit the permits associated with the trucks, you simply 'double-click' with the mouse on that truck ID, and the 'Hut Permit Information Form' will be activated to allow you to edit the permit associated with that truck.  (back to top)

HUT Permit Information

This form displays the available information of the unit you selected. You can enter/select the following: Permit number, Rate Table, Unloaded Weight, Loaded Weight, and Schedule 1 or 2. As you specify the unloaded weight the form will display the weight Class & Rate in the bottom of the dialog.

If you press 'Update', the list box in the Highway Use Tax Settings form will be updated to reflect the changes you have made and the form will be closed.

If you press 'Cancel', no changes will be saved and the form will be closed.

If a truck does no longer have a permit number, you simply clear the permit number box and press 'Update'.  (back to top)

Update HUT Rates

This is a simple dialog in which you can choose a table to update, a weight class in the selected table to update, and then enter a new rate for that weight class in the selected table. When you click on 'Update', the new rate you entered will be saved, if you click 'Close' the dialog will be closed without saving the changes.  (back to top)
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