My Fuel Tax 4.0 available for Download

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We now have version 2.01 available which can be integrated with myFuelTax. The data entered in My Fleet Manager can also be used to run IFTA reports.

My Fleet Manager can function as both a database and as a report generator. As a database you can use it to store records about your equipment, customers, vendors, trips, revenue, expenses, etc (Screen Shots). Once your data is entered you can then run reports within the program using any combination of your data. You can run reports for a stated period of time that calculate Total Revenue, Fuel Purchases, Miles Traveled, MPG, Cost per Mile, Profit/Loss, and others. And if the existing reports aren't enough, there is also the capability to export all your data to Excel for further manipulation and processing.

Please take a few moments to download the program using the link above. Try it and let us know what you think about it. We've included sample data to help you get started, but feel free to enter your own if you prefer.


1 truck = $50/year, 2-5 trucks = $100/yr, 6-15 trucks = $200/yr, 16-25 trucks $300/yr,

26-50 trucks = 400/yr, and $500/yr for unlimited trucks.

We really think that Spinnaker Fleet Manager fills a need that many small transportation businesses are missing; an affordable way to help get a handle on where you've been during the year, how much revenue you're generating versus how much you are spending and much more.

Regards and Happy Trucking!

Hessel and David


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