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Stock Activity Tracker






My Fuel Tax 4.0 available for Download

We are happy to introduce to you the beta version of Spinnaker's Stock Activity Tracker (SAT). With SAT you can keep track of specified stocks' daily activities by collecting:

  • Intra Day Quotes - You use Yahoo's 15 minute delayed stock activities, that you can display in an Excel workbook using DDE links (format: =SAT|SYMBOL!LPrice). The following information is available: Symbol, Last Price, Date, Time, Close, Open, High, Low, and Volume.
  • Historical Data - Utilizing Yahoo's historical data service, you can easily build and update historical data in Excel. The following fields are available: Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and Adjusted Close.
  • A new feature we offer is the customization of this program to your needs. The standard output of the program can be changed to exactly what you need for only a few hundred dollars. This will also give you a permanent license to the program. To start a request like this simply send us an E-mail. You can use this link for that too: Request Custom Output from SAT

In the Excel book you can apply your own decision models to further customize the information to your needs. The beta you download will last 60 days. Then you need a new one. A simple E-mail will  suffice, though we appreciate feedback when available.

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As we are currently developing the program, we are even more than usual interested in your experiences with the SAT program. Please feel free to click on this E-mail link to give us your feedback and/or suggestions.

Thank you,

David Parise & Hessel Flach

Updates as of 9/7/2005: We noticed that some characters, like "^" required the links to be entered as SAT|'SYMBOL'!LPrice. We adjusted the program for that purpose.
Note: when you use historical data and you don't have an account with Yahoo, there will always be one month less in your output than you specify. We adjust for that by making the date range one month more.

Updates as of 7/1/2004: Some people could not get the program running because we didn't include a necessary DLL. We apologize for the inconvenience and would like to invite you to try it once more.

Please feel free to ask for more Information at: getinfo@spinnakeradd-ins.com